WAG Annual General Meeting

Wagait Arts Group Inc has now set the date for its AGM.

The AGM will be held at the community centre on Sunday 16th February at 9.30am

We will be looking for new committee members so please give some thought as to whether you, or others that you know, could come on board.

The agenda includes proposed changes to our constitution. Please have a look at the changes that are proposed so that you are ready to consider and vote at the AGM.

Links to the following documents are for your information ahead of the meeting:

Please print a Committee Nomination Form, a 2025 Membership Application form or a Proxy Appointment Form as required.

2025 Memberships are now due. If you haven’t already paid, payment will be required prior to the meeting. We can accept payment on the day or you can pay before then if you wish. Payment details are on the membership form.

If you can’t attend the meeting you can appoint a proxy to vote on your behalf.

We hope to see you there.

Wagait Arts Group is a community organisation which helps promote and lobby for the artists of Wagait Beach, Northern Territory.
We welcome new members, and also extend an invitation to all visitors for our various events throughout the year including pop up sales of arts and crafts, and our annual Wagait Arts Exhibition.